Well that’s all folks but join us again on 1stSeptember when we will be listening to Mike Owen’s Storyville Six. The full programme will be posted on the website once it is all done and dusted but I know that there will be a concert on each Sunday through September.

Tame Valley Stompers (Terry’s Dead Good Boys) – 26 May: The one we hoped would not come yet but it has – the final concert of the season. The band consisted, as always, of Terry Brunt on trombone, Roger Wimpenny on Trumpet, Paul Broomhead on reeds, Peter Smith on bass guitar, John Gordon on banjo and guitar with leader, Norman Pennington on drums. Their opening number was a favourite, “Original Dixieland One Step” along with “Kansas City Kiss”, “The Martinique”, “Over in Glory Land”, “When Somebody Thinks You’re Wonderful”, “Swing that Music”, and an interesting combination of Canal Street Blues and Route 66.

Original Panama Jazz Band – 19 May: Here we are already at the penultimate concert of the season but what a way to go. Leader, Jon Critchley, on trumpet, Laurie Cooper on trombone, Dave Thomas on clarinet and vocals, Malcolm Hogarth on piano, Isabel Toner on double bass and Bill Buck on drums gave us a concert to remember. Some of the numbers were: “You Meet the Nicest People in Your Dreams”, “Night Ferry”, “Midnight in Muscow”, “I’m Crazy About my Baby”, “I Used to Love You but it’s all Over Now”, “Bad Penny Blues” and “Some Day You’ll be Sorry”. It was good to see the piano being used again.

Savannah Jazz Band – 12 May: The second concert with Stafford Music Festival, this band is celebrating its fortieth anniversary this year. Now that really is something. In the band is John Meehan (leader) on drums, Bill Smith on cornet and harmonica, Brian Ellis on trombone and keyboard, Roger Myserscough on reeds, Chris Marney on banjo and Tony P9ollitt on bass. Music and laughter throughout the whole extended concert. Some of the numbers: “See See Rider”, “Blame it on the Blues”, “A Hymn to Freedom”, “Look Down that Lonesome Road”, “While we danced at the Mardi Grass”, “Running Wild” and “Buddy Balden’s Blues”. A lot of smiling faces left the building at the end of such a lovely show.

Pedigree Jazz Band – 5 May: The first of two concerts with the Stafford Music Festival, this band is well known to Stafford and was made very welcome. The Band consists of Chris Walker (leader) on reeds, Andy Chislett on trumpet, Tony Mann on trombone, John Noddings on banjo and guitar, Mike Bennett on double bass and Sy Gorelick on drums. This was a longer concert than usual and the music had everyone bopping in their seats. Some of the numbers were: “In a Persian Market”, “Dixieland One Step”, “Livery Stable Blues” (which included cock crows, lowing cows and neighing horses .. on the instruments not impressions!), “The Martinique”, “Peter and the Wolf”, “Strutting with some Barbecue”, “Whistling Rufus”, “Tansy” and “You Gotta see your baby tonight or you won’t see Baby at All”. I am sure we all look forward to 2020 and the next visit from this professional band with their Salute to Trad Jazz.