On 25 October we had another chance to see
and hear the Chicago Teddybears Society Jazz Band. Despite roadworks on the road approaching the
White Eagle Club, nothing stopped the audience from pouring in for this
concert. Not surprisingly they were the
winner of the Band of the year Trophy Award, and were presentd with their
awards by Jenni and Ian D’Arcy.

1st November gave us Baby Jools & The
Jazzaholics. There was an exciting
programme of music with good pace. Baby
Jools is a virtuoso drummer and a bright star in New Orleans style jazz in the
UK. The fact that this was an evening
programme might account for a smaller than anticipated audience. However those of us present enjoyed a super
night of jazz.

Brian Carrick’s Algiers Stompers played on
8 November. This is a fine bunch of
musicians and Brian Carrick not only plays the sax but has a pretty good voice

The talented Matt Palmer was with us once
more on 15 November with his Aces of Rhythm.
This group specialised in reviving jazz from the 1920s and so brings
little known music to a modern audience.

22 November gave us Ron Hills’ Swing Kings with
Terry Roberts on reeds, Roger Heeley on keyboard, Roy Dutton on drums, Denis
Mowatt on double bass, Dave Leithead on trumpet and Ron Hills on trombone. Just in case you were wondering, the little
white ghost centre stage is Roy Dutton!
Sadly I missed the JB Jazz & Blues Band
on 29 November,due to another commitment on the same day. Groan!
They are such a good band and give a wonderful performance. Which leads us into December. On 6th we had the Phoenix Jazzmen with Sheila
Fawkes. My word can that little lady
sing. She has one of the best jazz
voices around. See picture below.

The last band of the year, on 6 December,
was Bev Pegg & His Good Time Jazz Gang.
Again sadly I missed this so cannot report on it from my own personal
view. However I understand that they
went down a storm.
My final picture of the year shows Gill Dodds being presented with the SJS
Member of the Year Trophy. Jill has
been coming to the jazz for a long time.
This year health problems meant that she had to miss quite a few
shows. I am delighted to report she has
made a good recovery and was so surprised and delighted to be nominated for the
Award. Seen hers presenting the trophy
is our Vice-Chairman and Membership Secretary, Shirley Ollier.

We will be back for the first gig on 10
January with Robin Mason’s Apex Jazz & Swing Band. Looking forward to it already.